Michigan Manual J Information, Michigan Manual J Service $79

Welcome to www.ManualJs.com.  We are the top provider of Michigan Manual J Heat Loss Calcs.

We provide custom Manual J Heat Loss Calcs on any size home for only $79.

Most companies charge 3x as much for a similar report, but we just want to make sure that people can build the most efficient homes possible.  We are confident that a Manual J Heat Loss calc for each room in your home will allow you to this.

How does the process work?  Simply order your Manual J Here and email your plans to plans@manualjs.com

How long does it take?  We can turn each project around to you in about 4-6 hours

What does it cost?  Only $79 for any size plan

What if I have changes?  If your construction plans change we will modify your report for you free of charge

What do you need?  Just send us your order number, a set of plans, and your jobsite address to plans@manualjs.com and we will print off a full size set of plans and start your calculations.

What is a Manual J?

The following is a list of airports and climate collection data centers in Michigan that have default ACCA climate Data in the Manual J 8th Edition

Adrian 798, Michigan Climate Data

Alpena Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Battle Creek Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Benton Harbor, Michigan Climate Data

Detroit, Michigan Climate Data

Escanaba, Michigan Climate Data

Flint Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Grand Rapids, Michigan Climate Data

Hancock, Michigan Climate Data

Harbour Beach, Michigan Climate Data

Holland, Michigan Climate Data

Jackson Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Kalamazoo, Michigan Climate Data

Lansing Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Marquette CO, Michigan Climate Data

Marquette Sawyer Air Force Base, Michigan Climate Data

Mount Clemens ANGB, Michigan Climate Data

Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Climate Data

Muskegon Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Oscoda Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan Climate Data

Pellston, Michigan Climate Data

Pontiac, Michigan Climate Data

Port Huron, Michigan Climate Data

Saginaw Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Sault Ste. Marie Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Seul Choix Point, Michigan Climate Data

Traverse City Airport, Michigan Climate Data

Yipsilanti, Michigan Climate Data

We can also set up custom climate data and indoor and outdoor design parameters for your Michigan Manual J project.  Some building departments have specifics that they like to see for their Manual J calculations, and we can meet all those needs in regards to climate data on our Michigan Manual J service.  Just let us know what they are.  To get started on your Michigan Manual J email us your order confirmation number, jobsite address and square footage to plans@manualjs.com and we will get your Manual J taken care of.

What is Manual S?

What is Manual D?



Michigan Manual J Information, Michigan Manual J Service $79
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Michigan Manual J Information, Michigan Manual J Service $79
Michigan Manual J Information, Michigan Manual J Service $79
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Email order number, PDF Plans, jobsite address, and square footage to plans@manualjs.com